September 2024 Stack n' Slice

Club will be so fun this month!  We are going to focus more on the stack n’ slice (formerly stack and whack) technique.


I want to play around with more stack n' slice patterns and it will be so fun if you come along with me!


To prepare, you will want to have at least 7 scrap pieces that measure 4 1/2 x 5 1/2 to stack n slice.


We are also going to try to do some of these in 5x7 and 4x4.  Grab 7 scraps to stack that measure 5x7 and a set that measures 4x4. You will need some 5x7 card bases. 


Keep your scraps close, we may even add a few more designs and having some larger scraps will be helpful.  Larger than a card front.


It is gonna be fun to play and try new things!  See ya at the Club!




Link for the PDF ~~





Link to the original video~~ Stack and Slice video link ~~